A poorly thought out website for a poorly thought out studio

Current Projects:

  • Starbuster
  • Hardspeed
  • Elancia Chronicles
  • Finishing this website


Starbuster is a fast-paced action platformer where a droid and a lizard slash and grapple their way across the galaxy. Featuring a focus on fast paced combat, exploration, and weapon customisation. Rocket around, slap things, grab weapons and build your arsenal. You can't solve every problem by shooting at it but that shouldn't stop you from trying!

Take control of Alpha, the latest creation of the insidious Grey Imperium. Defy your creators and make a break for freedom, nothing will stand in your way!

Or follow Cassie and the Petrov crew, as they flee from the ever-advancing imperial forces. Run from your problems and maybe crash a starship or two, what could go wrong?


Piss on it

Ever just wake up one day and the whole world is shooting at you?

Featuring an infinite dash, chargeable sword and gun, and special weapon slot for missiles, slowing time and more, Alpha specialised in fast, decisive combat, ready to cut through entire legions of imperial cyborgs.

Move: Arrow keys

Jump: Space

Dash: Shift

Sword: Z

Gun: X

Special: C


Piss on it

Who needs gravity anyway?

Equipped with a grappling hook, 360 degree aiming and a handy rocket punch, she's no pushover when it comes to beating up cyborgs.

Move: WSAD

Jump: Space

Aim: Mouse

Shoot: Left Mouse

Grapple: Right Mouse

Punch: Shift

Demo Features 3 levels, 2 playable characters, and a bunch of collectibles.

Each character can equip up to 10 modifications, to alter their gun, melee, core abilities plus special moves. From the simple pulse laser to the devastating starbreaker beam, there will be a weapon to suit every situation. There's around 30 to collect in the demo, plus a number of cassette tapes if you can find them!

F2, F2, F3 = Change screen resolution (1x, 2x, 3x respectively)

F4 = Toggle fullscreen

Controller support included. Xbox controller recommended.


Piss on it Piss on it Piss on it Piss on it Piss on it Piss on it Piss on it Piss on it Piss on it Piss on it Piss on it Piss on it